Reserved Rights

The University reserves the right to change any provision or requirement, including, but not limited to fees and tuition, at any time without notice. Degrees, courses, programs, activities, and like academic or non-academic offerings of the University may also be changed from time to time without notice.

The University further reserves the right to require a student to withdraw at any time under University policies, as may be promulgated from time to time. Further, admission of a student to the University of Miami for any semester does not imply that such student will be enrolled in any succeeding academic semesters. It also reserves the right to impose sanctions on any student whose conduct is unsatisfactory. Any admission on the basis of false statements or documents is void when the misconduct is discovered, and the student is not entitled to any credit for work which the student may have done at the University prior to any discipline that may be taken as a result of such misconduct. When a student is dismissed or suspended from the University for cause, there will be no refund of tuition or fees paid. If a dismissed student has paid only a part of his tuition and fees, the balance due the University will be considered a receivable and will be collected.

There will be no refund of tuition, fees, charges or any other payments made to the University in the event the operation of the University is suspended at any time as a result of any act of God, strike, riot, disruption, or for any other reason beyond the control of the University.
